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Car Parking Sheds - HDPE

Car parking shades supplier

HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) is a high-quality fabric used in parking shades and tensile structures. The fabric is manufactured using high-quality materials to function for a more extended period. It is designed for maximum strength, durability, and protection. 

Proven to resist UV rays, this fabric can withstand harsh weather as well. This type of material is highly recommended for the people who would like to enhance their outdoor space within the budget. It is one of the most cost-effective fabric shade available in the market. Both waterproof and non-water proof materials are available- depending upon the client requirement we use it for car parking sheds and other urban spaces.


Car Parking Sheds - PVC

Car Parking Shades PVC

PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) is a fabric used in the car parking shades well known for its amazing properties. There are plenty of good qualities for this fabric, such as UV resistance, cold resistance, durability, etc. The material is 100 percent waterproof and can withstand harsh weather. It is also an economical solution for parking shades. Our PVC fabric will protect the car parking area from the sun, hence maintaining the color and heat of the car. 

Car Parking Shed - PVC Mesh

PVC mesh is a very popular and cost-effective roofing system which is designed to keep interior temperatures cooler during warmer weather conditions. These type of fabric are used in the areas with high UV level. It is a strong, durable and long-lasting material.


Types of Car Parking Shades

Bottom Support Car Parking Shade



Wave Type Parking Shade

Wall Mounted Shade

Arch Cantilever Shade









Hanging Umbrella Canopy









Cantilever Parking Shade


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